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دانلود رایگان کتاب رویکردهای جدید در کنترل هوشمند (سال 2016)
New Approaches in Intelligent Control: Techniques, Methodologies and Applications

تعداد صفحات : 418
نویسندگان : Nakamatsu, Kazumi, Kountchev, Roumen
ویرایش : سال 2016
زبان : انگلیسی
- Describes corresponding methods, original algorithms and applications
- Presents techniques for solving particular tasks involving intelligent control
- Targeted at researchers interested in new and non-conventional approaches in contemporary intelligent process control
This volume introduces new approaches in intelligent control area from both the viewpoints of theory and application. It consists of eleven contributions by prominent authors from all over the world and an introductory chapter. This volume is strongly connected to another volume entitled “New Approaches in Intelligent Image Analysis” (Eds. Roumen Kountchev and Kazumi Nakamatsu).The chapters of this volume are self-contained and include summary, conclusion and future works. Some of the chapters introduce specific case studies of various intelligent control systems and others focus on intelligent theory based control techniques with applications. A remarkable specificity of this volume is that three chapters are dealing with intelligent control based on paraconsistent logics.
- منبع : سایت کنکور
- پسورد فایل فشرده : www.konkur.in
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