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یک دوره اول در معادلات دیفرانسیل با برنامه های کاربردی مدلسازی ویرایش دهم (سال 2012)
A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications 10th Edition
تعداد صفحات : 489
نویسندگان : Dennis G. Zill
ویرایش : دهم (سال 2012)
زبان : انگلیسی
A FIRST COURSE IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH MODELING APPLICATIONS, 10th Edition strikes a balance between the analytical, qualitative, and quantitative approaches to the study of differential equations. This proven and accessible book speaks to beginning engineering and math students through a wealth of pedagogical aids, including an abundance of examples, explanations, “Remarks” boxes, definitions, and group projects. Written in a straightforward, readable, and helpful style, the book provides a thorough treatment of boundary-value problems and partial differential equations.
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